Sunday, May 16, 2021

Virtual Open Mic

We here at TSEL want to see your work! Create and submit a Video Poem of work you've written, Whether you are published or just do it as a hobby! We are also accepting written works of Poetry, Prose, Short Stories & Personnal Essays. Are you a Musician? Send us a video of you Playing/singing! Are you a Visual Artist and have something that you would like to share? We are currently accepting that as well! The Speak Easy Lounge is your Virtual Open Mic night! So send us your work, along with a short Bio, and a photo if you would like to include it. The world LOVES a good story, and Art, in any form conveys a story. Let us share your achievements and personal Art! INSTRUCTIONS- Send Video's in an MP4 doc, via Dropbox to Send Visual Art via jpeg Send written word via word .DOC To: In the Subject line- Please type "Blogger Art" and the type of entry you are sending. Be sure to include your name, Email and any contributor credits Self Promotion is key- So be sure once your work has been published to share your personal page link (It will be provided to you upon acceptance and Posting) across all of your Social Platforms! Also- Don't forget to share the news on TSEL's YouTube channel's Community Tab! We want to Celebrate you and your accomplishments~ Jennifer Clark


  1. I might send you a few of my poems. I haven't been writing very long, so I'm not sure how good they are. How do I make it a video poem?

    1. Hi- Thanks for your interest in submitting your work! There are a couple of ways to create a video, many do it via their cell phone's record feature. Just record yourself reciting your Poem, then send it to via Dropbox or OneDrive. You can also record it on your PC via your webcam. The alternate way, would be to submit it via a word .doc form. If you send it via a word doc, you may also submit a photo along with a short Bio of your experience or work. Anything that you would like others to know about yourself. I hope that this answered your question. If you need anything else, feel free to email me at the address I mentioned above. I hope to hear from you soon!
